Saturday, 30 October 2010

Now open!! 新開張!!

親愛的朋友,按下like,你就可以定期看到blog更新囉!!我和朋友阿凡,一樣愛煮愛吃,不同的是,我在英國他在荷蘭,不同的飲食文化,一樣對食物的滿載熱情,我們在facebook上成立了一個粉絲團,名稱是"英國。荷蘭。美味煮義", 簡易的連結就可以看到我們最新的胡搞瞎搞,哈哈...先說好,這不是教學,因為我甚麼都不會,只是跟大家分享一趟探索食物的旅程,來吧!我們一起煮一起胖^^

Dear friends, from now on, you may follow my blog on Facebook !! Me & my friend, Kyra just start up a community page on Facebook. The name is Diane & Kyra's Cooking Journey. I live in UK, she lives in Holland. We share a common interest in cooking and wanna share it with you as well. Join us, let's explore the exciting cooking journey!!