Sunday, 14 November 2010

Steamed Thai-style sea bass and rice 泰式香香烤魚飯

There's a typical dining pattern in Taiwanese's family. Three dishes, one soup and the staple food-rice. Our diet chiefly consist of meat, seafood and vegetable. So, my mum or other families always prepare one dish of fish, one dish of meat and one dish of vegetable SEPARATELY. Why do I have to emphasize "separately'', cos I remember my flatmate Marian from Dubai told me our diet looks like each dish is main course. I didn't quite understand what's her point until I saw she baked fish with rice! Yes, we do have rice and fish in everyday dinner, fish as main course and rice as starch, but we don't really put them together. However, I felt impressed by Marian's bake fish rice. The strength of this preparation is that fish is tender and the rice soak fish stock. It gives rice different life! So, when you eat rice you can eat the seafood flavour. I think it's a bit like Paella, but it's fish version. However, if you like Thai food and wanna try what I mentioned bake fish rice. Here is the experiment I

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Mad lamb- Roast rack of lamb 卯起來吃羊之迷迭香小羊排

這一大排的羊肋排是我夢寐以求卻只敢遠觀不敢褻玩焉的玩意兒,每次他擺在肉攤的冰箱玻璃裡,對我來說就如同, Burberry, LV擺在櫥窗裡一樣,只能癡癡的望著它~哈...但我這一天下定決心要來試試看,不衝的話怎麼知道其中的美味,你說是不是! 羊小排可以說是最精緻,風味和口感最好的部位,當然也是最昂貴的部位,這羊小排的地位就好像肋眼牛排一般,這次我在肉攤買這塊羊肋排花了約台幣700塊,其實比較起Costco 6隻分別切開的羊小排,要價$1200左右,在英國的價錢還算ok, 我戒慎恐懼的捧著它回家以後,實在是很怕因為我矬劣的廚藝毀了它,下次老爺就不讓我買了,我決定還是用最簡單的方式烹飪,至少吃的到原味和應有的軟嫩口感,我們就來看看有多簡單吧!
No doubt racks of lamb is the best cut, nothing can beat french-trimmed rack, I mean compare with other parts of cut such as lamb shoulder and shank. It's definite a luxury enjoyment only can have it once a month. lol...I spent 14 pounds to get my dreaming racks. It is approximate 1.1kg and 8bone racks of meat. I was so afraid of ruin the expensive cut, so decided to use the simple way to cook. Although roast the cut is boring, I can taste the nature of flavour and texture at least. After this experiment, I really feel like to challenge different recipe sth like herb and mustard-coated lamb rack, the other classic cooking approach. Anyway, let's see how simple it is.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Mad lamb- Moroccan lamb skewer 卯起來吃羊之摩洛哥羊肉串

我個人認為,英國最好吃的肉是"羊肉", 英國人可能會忿忿不平的說,我怎麼可以認為他們的牛肉沒有美國牛好吃,但....美國那可能會得老年癡呆症的牛真的是"勝". 但無論如何,我很贊同英國人飲食的一個好觀念,要吃在地當令的食材, 超市的肉品都會標上英國本土飼養,進口的反而還沒賣那麼好呢!而英國得天獨厚的氣候和地形,剛好成就了羊肉的美味! 多雨的天氣幫助牧草生長,羊兒吃的肥嘟嘟的,而多丘陵的地形,吃完剛好可以運動運動,難怪英國的羊吃起來都沒有什麼羊腥味,還很多汁! 這一餐是羊肉大餐,吃完這一餐,我想我有好一陣子不會吵著要吃羊肉了!哈...今天先來分享烤羊肉串!
In my opinion, the best thing I have in UK is LAMB! It might be can refer to the natural circumstance like weather and  landform. Rich raining gives the benefit to grow fresh grass and the hill is the best landform for herding. Lamb is also the only wildly farmed animal in UK, especially in the Wales and Scotland area. However, different cuts have different flavour. Today I made a whole lamb meal including of neck fillet and racks of lamb. After that, I think I'll avoid lamb for a while. lol... However, I'll share the lamb neck fillet first. 

摩洛哥迷迭香羊肉串 Moroccan Lamb kebabs

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Fig in honey 甜蜜蜜無花果

To be honest, I did't know what kind of creature it is when I first glanced over it on open market. So, I asked the stall owner how to eat this. She picked up a soft fig and then cut half let me taste it. I'm impressed by her generous and the mild taste. The owner told me British usually add some honey and bake for 5 to 10 minutes. It gives the fruit flavour. I fall in love with the delicate fruit. However, I should try to roast figs with honey. It could be a good dessert option! 

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Jamie Oliver project- spaghetti with squid 奧力佛一下!茴香花枝義大利麵

Jamie Oliver, one of the most well-known chef in UK. Comparing with Heston Blumenthal and Gordon Ramsay, Jamie's recipe is not fitting in the haute cuisine category, but is suitable for those beginner like ME.  I read the recipe "spaghetti with squid"  from Jamie's book "Jamie's Italy" ages ago and had an impression with the mix of squid and fennel. I could imagine the flavour fresh squid and aromatic fennel, it should be good! However, I finally found fresh squid from fish monger. I've decided to give it a try!